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Class Descriptions
PreK and Kindergarten
Our PreK and Kindergarten class stays together all day. They have gym time, snack time, class time that includes basic learning, crafts, art, games, reading, and more.
1st and 2nd Grade
In 2023-2024 our 1st and 2nd graders had gym class, art, and either boys character class or girls character class.
3rd and 4th Grade
In 2024 our 3rd and 4th graders had gym class, art, and either boys character class or girls character class.
5th and 6th Grade
In 2024 our 5th and 6th graders had chess, horticulture, and either boys character class or girls character class.
7th and 8th Grade
In 2024 our 7th and 8th graders had chess, horticulture, and either boys character class or girls character class.
High School 9th-12th Grade
In 2024 our High Schoolers had history, debate and drama
1st-2nd Grade
3rd-4th Grade
5th-6th Grade
7th-8th Grade
High School
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